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猛獁也稱長毛象,是地球自有生命以來,在陸地上生活繁衍過的大型史前哺乳動物。它體形龐大,威武兇猛,是一種僅次於恐龍的大型動物。它身長達5米、體高約3米,體重在10頓上下,門齒向上彎曲,牙長約1點5米,每根重約200磅。它體披棕色或黑色細密的長毛,皮很厚,具有極厚的脂肪層,厚度可達9厘米,具有極強的禦寒能力。這種珍貴的古象2至5萬年前曾生活在北半球的大草原上,因地球出現數次冰河期,氣候可怕的劇變,一萬年前猛獁象絕跡。 Mammoths, also known as woolly mammoths, are large prehistoric mammals that have lived on land since life began on earth. It was a large, powerful and ferocious animal, second only to the dinosaurs. It was 5 meters long, 3 meters tall, weighed about 10 tons, and its incisors were bent upward, about 1.5 meters long, and each weighed about 200 pounds. Its body covered with brown or black fine long hair, the skin is very thick, with extremely thick layer of fat, thickness up to 9 cm, with a strong resistance to the cold. The rare ancient elephant lived on the northern steppes between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago, when mammoths disappeared after several ice ages and terrible climatic changes. 經過人類不斷的探找,在俄羅斯西伯利亞及美國阿拉斯加發現了永久凍土層中沉睡了近萬年的猛獁象牙,由於寒冷,延緩了自然腐蝕的過程,長期埋藏在地底下,深受土地與大自然的培育,保存的相當完整,尤其埋藏在潮濕地帶的猛獁象牙與非洲大象牙幾乎沒有什麼區別,即使在顯微鏡下,也只有專家才能鑑別。 After human search to find, in Russia's Siberia and Alaska found deep in the permafrost mammoth ivory for nearly ten thousand years, because of the cold, slow down the process of natural corrosion, buried in the ground for a long time, by land and the cultivation of nature, save quite complete, especially buried in moist areas of mammoth ivory and African elephant ivory almost no difference, even under a microscope, is only an expert can identify. 長毛象象牙現存極其稀少,過往常見的現代象牙雕刻品主要以非洲象牙為主。由於長毛象是現已絕種的動物,因此其象牙比非洲象牙更為珍貴,它的色澤也比非洲象牙更潔白,是非常難能可貴的牙雕材料。 Mammoth tusks are extremely rare, and the most common modern ivory carvings of the past are predominantly African. Because mammoth is now extinct animal, so its ivory is more precious than African ivory, its color is whiter than African ivory, is very valuable ivory material. 據了解,長毛象是生活在距今1.5萬年-5萬年間的古長鼻動物,其身高最高可達4.5米,全身披著棕紅色的長毛,所以被稱為「長毛象」。這一象群主要生活在亞歐大陸以及北美大陸的北部,一萬多年前由於氣候的變化以及古人類的過度捕殺而滅絕瑩豐翡長毛象的象牙最長可以達數米,牙質比非洲象牙細嫩潔白而且堅硬。處於高緯度地區的俄羅斯馬加丹州以及雅庫茨克地區,長年處在冰天雪地的冰凍環境,使得長毛象絕跡後長埋於寒帶凍土層內,而象牙的分子結構非常縝密,因此,該地區出土的長毛象牙牙質最好。 It is known that the mammoth is an ancient long-nosed animal that lived between 15,000 and 50,000 years ago. Its height can reach up to 4.5 meters, and its body is covered with long brown hair, so it is called "mammoth".The herd, which mainly lives in the northern parts of Eurasia and North America, died out more than 10,000 years ago due to climate change and overhunting by ancient humans. In the high latitudes of magadan and yakutsk regions of Russia, the long-frozen environment of ice and snow makes mammoths buried in the frozen soil after extinction. The molecular structure of the tusks is very careful, so the tusks unearthed in this region are of the best quality. 象牙更是為人所熟悉的收藏品,從前幾乎每個大戶人家都喜歡珍藏象牙飾品。用象牙筷子可以測試食物是否有毒的傳說更讓象牙製品成為一種神奇的對象。從小小的象牙筷子到珍貴的象牙雕刻品,能夠擁有一件象牙藏品是生活富庶的象徵。由於好的象牙材質越來越稀少,一件長達1.5米的原只象牙其市價可逾百萬,2002年在香港一條名為「龍行天下」長毛象牙雕更開出了800萬元港元的天價,因此象牙藏品的收藏潛力十分巨大。 Ivory is a familiar collection, almost every large family in the past like to treasure ivory ornaments. The legend that ivory chopsticks can be used to test whether food is poisonous makes ivory products a magical object. From tiny ivory chopsticks to precious ivory carvings, having an ivory collection is a sign of affluence. As good ivory materials become increasingly scarce, the market value of a 1.5-meter-long piece of original ivory can exceed a million yuan, and in 2002 in Hong Kong, a long-haired ivory carving called "the world of the dragon" sold for a whopping hk $8 million, so the collection potential is huge. ...... 此藏品為近日本公司徵集到的一件猛獁象牙手鐲,內徑6厘米,外徑7.7厘米,重45.8克,其材質堅實細密,色澤柔潤,質地光滑,雕刻精美。象牙藏品的價值主要體現在年代、工藝、質地等方面。從歷史文化考證的角度來說,年代越久的象牙價值越高。明清時期是我國象牙雕刻的鼎盛時期,其間的不少佳作都是值得收藏的珍品。質地細膩,硬度適中,光澤柔和,牙紋細潔的象牙是製作高級工藝品的上佳材料。 The collection is a mammoth ivory bracelet collected by a Japanese company. It measures 6cm inside and 7.7cm outside and weighs 458g. The value of ivory collection is mainly reflected in the aspects of age, craft and texture. From the perspective of historical and cultural research, the older the ivory is, the more valuable it is. The Ming and qing dynasties were the heyday of ivory carving in China, during which many masterpieces are worth collecting. The ivory with fine texture, moderate hardness, soft luster and fine tooth lines is the best material for making high grade handicrafts. 在材質、工藝的性價比上,象牙雕刻品都存在著很大的上升空間。再加上象牙資源的稀缺性,製品的珍貴性,存量的有限性,以及成品的不可再生等諸因素,都使得象牙藏品具有無限升值的潛力。 In the material, the cost performance of the craft, there is a large space for ivory carving to rise. Together with the scarcity of ivory resources, the rarity of the products, the limitation of the stock, and the non-regeneration of the finished products, all these factors make the ivory collection have the potential of unlimited appreciation. 猛獁象牙是距今1億多年前的猛獁象的門牙,猛獁象現在早已滅絕,現在的猛獁牙主要出自俄羅斯西伯利亞冰原的冰層,它屬於不可再生資源,具有很高的收藏價值。猛獁象牙出成品的幾率很低,在現在已經發現的所有猛獁象牙中,可以用於珠寶製作的大概只有15%-20%,一個完整的猛獁象牙手鐲是很難得的,具有比較高的收藏投資價值。 Mammoth tusks are the incestuous teeth of mammoths more than 100 million years ago. Mammoths have long been extinct. The teeth of mammoths are mainly from the ice sheet of the Siberian ice sheet in Russia. The rate of finished mammoth tusks is very low. Of all the mammoth tusks found so far, only about 15 to 20 percent can be used for jewelry. A complete mammoth ivory bracelet is very rare and has a relatively high collection investment value.
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